Sales Hiring Course Signup

Click Image To Visit SiteMost sales hires turn out to be mediocre. In fact only one out of four sales hires is a self-starter. Given the way most sales managers have been trained to hire salespeople it’s no wonder. You simply cannot rely on your gut to flip through resumes, then interview with no plan.

Sales Hiring Course SignupClick Image To Visit SiteMost sales hires turn out to be mediocre. In fact only one out of four sales hires is a self-starter. Given the way most sales managers have been trained to hire salespeople it’s no wonder. You simply cannot rely on your gut to flip through resumes, then interview with no plan. Maybe it worked in the good old days, but that is not the case anymore. Art Sobzcak at Business by Phone says "gut hiring usually just gives you a pain in the gut." In the Advanced Hiring System E-Course “Sales Hiring Secrets – A Step by Step Guide to Hiring Great Salespeople,” you’ll discover:

Today, hiring a salesperson who can really sell after you hire them, is the key to success. The economy is challenging, things aren’t as they used to be.

It takes a real salesperson, not someone masquerading as a salesperson to make it long-term in this environment. Sales techniques can be trained, but “the heart and the blood” of a salesperson is either there or its not.

Even if you’re been hiring salespeople for years, most sales managers admit being “tricked” more often than they like. This course shows you how to sift through what they say to find out what they have done to find the “doers” from the “talkers.”

I wrote "Sales Hiring Secrets – A Step by Step Guide to Hiring Great Salespeople” as a course guide for clients. The plan outlined in the course has been successfully implemented by me in my own business Radio Profits Corporation – where I had a sales team of more than 200 salespeople. Since 1994, I have used this expertise to help thousands of sales managers and businesses identify and hire the right applicants.

In “Sales Hiring Secrets – A Step by Step Guide… Read more…


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