Combat Fighter

Click Image To Visit Site"I can’t believe how many hours of my life I’ve wasted on combat training. They could have showed me this stuff on my first day of basic and it’s all I would ever have needed. It’s so simple a monkey could learn it." I promise you right now that I can

Combat FighterClick Image To Visit Site"I can’t believe how many hours of my life I’ve wasted on combat training. They could have showed me this stuff on my first day of basic and it’s all I would ever have needed. It’s so simple a monkey could learn it."

I promise you right now that I can show you how to keep your family and your friends safe from would-be attackers.

In fact: developing the techniques I want to share with you the way I show you will feel like you’re actually downloading them directly into your nerves and muscles in an incredibly short time!

Now you’re probably thinking… "So if these techniques are so easy and so great, how come I’ve never heard about them?"

These methods are deadly and they are designed to serve you when your safety and even your life are in danger…

Those things have rules. And you actually DO need to spend years and years mastering the subtle art that will bring you victory there.

Look. There are just no rules for shit like that. You MUST do what you need to do to win and get away. Because believe me, the bad guy doesn’t think twice about “fighting dirty”…

You can accept the shame of being helpless and pretend it doesn’t bother you to cower from a fight and leave your friends and loved ones helpless… you could bow down to bullies and hope they leave you in peace… you could live with the fear of knowing you are useless in a fight… And you can accept the shame that your loved ones have no protection from violent attackers…

You could get mad and bitter… rage about how the world is full of dicks and a bullies. You could whine about how unfair life is and how you never did anything to these bullies so why are they picking on you!…

The choice to discover the TRUTH about what it takes to dominate a fight… and how to never be scared when faced with a bully or a violent attacker again…

The choice to stand as a guardian between the people you love and those who would do them harm…

The choice to wake up every morning knowing you can face whatever dangers lurk out there on the streets and that you can protect the people you love.

You see: After years of chasing down every “secret” fight technique I could get my hands on, I decided it was time to REALLY test my skills.

As crazy as it sounds… I forced myself to get into over 600 fights, keeping folks safe in the seediest and most dangerous bar in my hometown, which I’ll tell you about in a minute…

And then working alongside some of the most elite military units in the world I volunteered for EVERY job that I thought would put me in harms way…

And I discovered a sad, sad truth. I had taken the long road to learning how to fight. And most of the stuff that worked in the dojo was a total flop — or downright dangerous — against real violence.

I spent years learning shit that didn’t work. And in the end discovered that there are really only a handful of simple — almost instinctive — fight techniques you need to know to defeat any opponent…

I don’t want you to fail to learn the skills that will keep you and those around you safe when shit hits the fan… all because you thought it would take you years to learn to defend yourself.

I want you to have the simple system I discovered through years of trial and error in the trenches after literally hundreds of fights. I tried everything so that you don’t have to. And you you have access to the truly simple techniques you can master in just hours…

Remember: Although this System took years to perfect, it literally only takes me hours to show it to any man with the will to learn.

I promise I can make you a very, very capable fighter using these step-by-step techniques over a single weekend if you apply yourself…

The Center Line Strike — as instinctive as a knee-jerk when the doc tests your reflexes — that will stun or even knock your opponent out instantly so you can quickly retreat…

(Be careful though because if you don’t do this the way I teach you it can actually cause death…)

The unorthodox "Blitz Blast" that’s a devastating flurry designed to overwhelm your opponent in nanoseconds.

The Force Hijack method that taps into your body’s reflexes to deflect and harness your attackers force against him…

The Surgical Strike methods like Underhand Ocular Control that immediately overwhelm your attacker through massive neurological disruption no matter how disciplined they are…

(…These are especially effective against a stronger opponent because they require very little strength…)

The One And Done Principle that makes winning a fight simple and virtually unavoidable by removing all the complex techniques most combat instructors try to teach their students…

Instead I teach you to instantly recognize your opponents one most vulnerable target and react with a SINGLE, instinctive and overwhelming response…

The Tipping Point Principle that allows you to instinctively know when it’s time to shift from defense to attack…

Or the Third Eye situational awareness techniques that turns you into a virtual Jedi who can subconsciously sense subtle cues that improve your ability to recognize and capitalize on openings left by your opponents…

All the stuff that actually WORKS. Because it has been tested in the trenches time after time…

Remember how I told you I forced myself to get into over 600 fights in order to forge a fighting method that actually works in real life?

Well before joining the military I got myself a job as a bouncer in the toughest, seediest bar in my town — a place where I was pretty much guaranteed to put my… Read more…


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