Treatment Plans That Worked – Real-World Treatment Plans that were actually successful… with the data that documents it.

It’s true! You can have all 576 Treatment Plans That Worked — with the data that documents it — for $65. The Executive Director of the Institute for Behavior

Treatment Plans That Worked - Real-World Treatment Plans that were actually successful... with the data that documents it.Click Image To Visit SiteIt’s true! You can have all 576 Treatment Plans That Worked — with the data that documents it — for $65.

The Executive Director of the Institute for Behavior Change (IBC), licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist Steve Kossor, has been involved in the planning and delivery of what became known as Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services (BHRS, still mistakenly referred to in Pennsylvania as “wraparound services”) since 1981. Mr. Kossor and the staff of The Institute for Behavior Change have been extremely successful in helping parents obtain and keep EPSDT funding for treatment programs involving 20, 30 and more hours of intensive, individualized treatment for children between the ages of 2 and 21 years with Autism spectrum disorders, ADHD and other conditions. This funding is available in all 50 states to children with disabilities who are enrolled in Medicaid; it is a Civil Right, in fact. Click here for information about BHRS funded through EPSDT

In 33 states, children with disabilities can enroll in Medicaid regardless of family income and are entitled to EPSDT funding for the treatment of their disability. This is “the greatest treatment funding secret ever concealed.” The IBC Executive Director has produced several videos about EPSDT funding since 2007. Click here to view Mr. Kossor’s comprehensive explanation of the Medicaid EPSDT benefit, how EPSDT funds Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services, and how to Defend the Civil Rights of Children with Disabilities.

Mr. Kossor offers a two hour individualized program of training, consultation, demonstration and assistance to parents so that their advocates, service providers and attorneys can do their work more effectively at Fair Hearings and other meetings where denials of EPSDT funding can be challenged successfully. The cost for these training sessions is $200 per family. Many people have found Mr. Kossor’s training sessions to be… Read more…


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