Adult Guitar Lessons

Adult Guitar Lessons – Guitar for Grownups!

Adult Guitar LessonsClick Image To Visit SiteHave you always wanted to play guitar but could never find the time? Like the rest of us, you’re probably busy raising a family, working a job, finishing school or chasing a career. You might even think you’re too old, or unable to learn how to play.

You may have already tried to learn guitar only to become frustrated and disappointed. Have you had problems with fingers that don’t want to co-operate, or difficulty pressing down the strings to make chords sound "clear", or challenges with strumming and getting the right "timing"? Do you feel like your hands are just too small, or you’ll never be able to stretch your fingers enough to play guitar? Have you tried guitar lessons designed for a "younger crowd", that seemed geared toward kids – and taught by kids?

Adult Guitar Lessons is available online only – no need to wait for shipping…Start your guitar lessons today!

Now, the reason I’m telling you this is NOT to impress you, but to impress upon you, that anyone, and I mean anyone, can learn how to play guitar.

One thing you should know is that I did not spend years studying music theory. I don’t have a degree in music or any formal training, and I certainly wasn’t blessed with tons of natural talent.

I learned to play guitar the hard way, learning songs off of vinyl records, stealing licks from other guitar players, and learning to play guitar by "ear" and by "feel" and by "pattern".

And you know the funny thing? I worked my butt off to teach myself the guitar without a "proper education", but was still able to become an in-demand guitar player.

What’s the hardest thing about getting started on guitar? Sometimes it’s just a matter of breaking down and… Read more…


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